Minggu, 30 November 2014

Rio's second surprice :D

Hi fellows!
Im 21 and many surprices came. Well, the most spectacular was my boy's surprice. He lied me. he said that He cant come because many bussiness that we have to do. But it all was bullsh*t. HE came with the amazing candles. AWESOMAZING!!! what a shock that I have the feel. But Thank you so much RIO ISNAN my one and only boy and my future husband. Love ya :*

As the human in new days, we didnt forget to take many picture to capture it. Alfer all, I wish the best for us, for our relationship, and till we get marriage hopefully there's no world called BYE.  So, let me upload it and share to all of you. Enjoy!

Thank you :*

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